Antropoloops Play/back
play.antropoloops is an online music remix tool developed for the educational field. We have developed its backend for internal management and content creation.
Dec 2019 — Oct 2020
play.antropoloops is an online music remix tool developed for the educational field where you can explore and play the sound projects created in the Antropoloops Workshops, as well as create your own projects. It is intended for creating music remixes and placing the music on maps and images. It allows working with 8 sound tracks and associating images and texts to each of the audio clips.
play.antropoloops is also the place where the learning that is generated in the Anthropoloops Workshops is shared, such as the documentation and guides of the projects and activities that have been developed in close collaboration with the teachers and students of the CEIP San José Obrero in Seville , where the project began in 2017 supported by the Carasso Foundation.
Our grain of sand in this beautiful project was to develop the internal management backend of the platform.
Promoters [a-z]

Talleres Antropoloops
Talleres Antropoloops is a 3-year pilot experience (2017-20) in Art and education that is being developed at the CEIP San José Obrero in Seville (a school), in which the remixing of traditional music aims to serve as a vehicle to promote cultural inclusion and celebrate diversity inside and outside the classroom.