• maadix.net

    The online tools we use every day, now preserving your digital autonomy, the privacy of your communications and the security of your data
  • laboralcentrodearte.org

    LABoral Center for Art and Industrial Creation Platform, a pioneering exhibition and production space in Spain at the intersection of Art, Science and Technology.
  • Inteligencias Colectivas

    We have renewed the Collective Intelligence platform, a project that promotes diversity, hybrid solutions, and the resilience of miscegenation, through collaborations between diverse agents.
  • Wikihousing Barcelona

    A platform to stimulate the participation in the Wikihousing project, a participatory process for the sustainable construction of public housing for young people in Barcelona.
  • Ekin Leioa

    EKIN Leioa is a participation platform developed for the Leioa City Council, based on the work previously carried out in Patio108.
  • Barrios Saludables

    Esta es una plataforma de mapeo de activos de salud en dos barrios de Sevilla, desarrollada para la ONG Medicus Mundi
  • Realidades Desiguales

    Realidades Desiguales ('Unequal Realities') is a project of the NGDO OXFAM Intermon that visualizes the results of an investigation carried out on the statistics of the European Union on income and living conditions 2004-2018
  • Nuclear Information Service

    Nuclear Information Service is an independent, not-for-profit research organisation. NIS investigate the UK nuclear weapons programme and publish accurate and reliable information to stimulate informed debate on disarmament and related issues.
  • Patio108

    Patio108 is an open and collaborative platform to give voice to the citizens' perceptions, memories and wishes of the population of Seville.
  • ramuca.net

    RAMUCA is a platform of mutual support networks that emerged in Seville as a result of the Coronavirus crisis. We have supported this necessary initiative by developing the platform that serves as an information point and as a switchboard that connects offers and demands.
  • Data for the Drama

    Real-time online viewing of the play «Delicuescente Eva».
  • Antropoloops Play/back

    play.antropoloops is an online music remix tool developed for the educational field. We have developed its backend for internal management and content creation.
  • #datuirekiak. Datos abiertos y ciudadanía

    The «Open Data and Citizenship» conference was a meeting and work space organized between Irekia / Basque Government, the University of Deusto and the CICC Tabakalera through the Hirikilabs digital culture and technology laboratory to learn about experiences and forms of collaboration between institutions and projects that work around open data
  • Atlas mutante | Mapa Rehogar

    Atlas Mutante is a cartographic device of projects, initiatives and communities that, through practice, seek to mutate the territory and investigate new ways of living from respect to people and the environment.
  • opev.org

    The Observatory to Prevent Extremist Violence (OPEV) is an active platform of civil society organisations from across the Euro-Mediterranean Region aiming to bring a constructive contribution to prevent violent extremism.
  • Mapeo Gunea

    Mapeo Gunea is a health asset mapping platform for the municipalities of Leioa and Hernani (Euskadi).
  • Habitatge Jove Caldes

    Support platform for participation in the youth habitat project of the Caldes de Montbui City Council (Catalonia)
  • cronocromo

    Data visualization of the flowering cycles of urban vegetation in Seville, part of «Jardín Cosmopolita», the fourth edition of the «Luces de Barrio» artistic intervention program.
  • transversal.at

    transversal.at is the copyleft publishing platform of the EIPCP (European Institute for Progressive Cultural Policies). An extensive multilingual library with texts on politics, culture and art in more than 100 languages.
  • straddle3.net

    Platform of Straddle3, a collective active in Barcelona since 1998 that works on issues of architecture and the city from autonomy and direct action.
  • Urban Impacts

    Platform for visualizing the data of the Urban Impacts research, of the research group The Urban Gobernance Lab of the Pablo de Olavide University

    A map to visibilize the cultural and creative community of Alicante. Its objective is to draw the network of public spaces, private spaces and agents that are part of the cultural ecosystem of the city
  • Inter-action Room

    A space for exchange and participation for the festival of artistic interventions Dark Matter Games (Venice).
  • ATRI

    Documentation platform of ATRI, an experimental strategy that aims to explore alternative ways to increase the public housing stock in the city of Barcelona in a quantitative and qualitative way.
  • Leaflet Pie

    Leaflet Pie is a data visualization library for Leaflet, based on Charles Joseph Minard's classic visualization, Carte des quantités de viande (1858).
  • Shock Monitor

    Shock Monitor is a platform that documents and visibilizes the impacts on human rights of PMSCs (private contractors of the military sector / mercenary companies)
  • FAD City to City 2016

    Design and development of the technological platform of the 2016th edition of the International City to City award of the FAD (Foment de les Arts i del Disseny) and technical management of the related exhibition.
  • Malla

    Malla is a support and denounce network to collectively confront repression during the exercise of civil and political freedoms
  • Liquid-a

    Liquid-a is an artistic installation that projects a liquid skin, graphically inspired by the Atlantic tile tradition, which reacts and plays with the shadows of passersby.
  • Public Space Tools

    PST is a digital tool to equip ourselves when it comes to intervening in public space. It is intended to be a mean of spreading alerts and complaints about abuses of power; as well as good ideas and procedures, paying special attention to legal conditions.
  • civics.cc

    civcs.cc is the largest map of socio-cultural innovation in Latin America, a platform that documents and displays more than 5000 cultural and social initiatives
  • The Maverick City

    The Maverick City is an international symposium on collective building of the city, organized by We Make Places in Liverpool. There we talked about the concept of 'free architecture'.