Data for the Drama
Real-time online viewing of the play «Delicuescente Eva».
Jan 2020 — Mar 2020
Coinciding with the premiere of the play Delicuescente Eva, Data for the Drama, a virtual live device, was activated in parallel to the performance of the play.
An online visualization exercise that generated an automated audiovisual piece built based on the fixed and variable parameters provided by a series of devices placed around the scenic space. Some of the values analyzed by the virtual device were previously taken from the dramatic structure of the piece to be analyzed, and later, live, to these were added data referring to the organic experience on and off the stage: the reaction of the public, the beats of the heart of a spectator, motion sensors placed on scene or the luminosity, humidity or box office data, for example.
These data can take shape in other constructive variables that are under investigation, such as the edition of a physical copy in book format or the construction of a 3D piece.
The audiovisual result of the composition was broadcast live on the Teatro de la Abadía website, as well as on a large-format screen located outside it.
In collaboration with [a-z]
Pablo Pujol
Su trabajo se mueve entre la escenografía, la dirección técnica y el trabajo con hardware y electrónica. Trabajo que desarolla entre otros con el rompedor bailaor flamenco Isarel Galván.
Promoters [a-z]

Álex Peña
Álex Peña es el nombre del artista que se esconde tras la etiqueta NoQuedanDemonios. Bajo ella guarda con recelo sus trabajos propios, alejados de aquellos en los que participa mediante labor interpretativa. Su lenguaje entre los formatos de las artes plásticas y los contenidos escénicos hacen de sus piezas obras de libre formato y ubicación.