FAD City to City 2016
Design and development of the technological platform of the 2016th edition of the International City to City award of the FAD (Foment de les Arts i del Disseny) and technical management of the related exhibition.
Nov 2015 — Actualidad
From the prize website:
«Nowadays, more than half of the world’s population lives in big cities, a trend that seems unstoppable. Resolution of our great social challenges greatly depends on finding solutions in urban life. The main question is how do we make our cities better, more livable, and kinder places?
The City to City Barcelona FAD Award was born in 2008 in order to track and assess initiatives from around the globe, which proposed effective answers to these challenges. During these years, the award, developed in collaboration with the Barcelona City Council and the Government of Catalonia, has acknowledged hundreds of international projects, both big and small, which have successfully been able to improve the every day life in their cities.
Along the way, the prize has evolved, focusing more and more on projects brought about by citizens’ initiatives, or by the collaboration between inhabitants and institutions, a combination which leads to new directions in a complex and ever changing world.
After a great deal of work, we have reached 2017 with an invitation to look at the city with a new perspective. The challenges we face are great, yet the possibilities are infinite. We want to explore each and every one of them.»
The project consisted of the design and development of a platform that managed and displayed in an interactive map all the projects within the contest and on the other hand visualized the same process of the exhibition (on an interactive timeline, currently absent from the web).
Finally, we also took care of managing the most technological part of this exhibition (installing and automating a computer setup that used a slightly different and offline version of the website that served as an interactive device for the public to explore the contest proposals).
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