The Observatory to Prevent Extremist Violence (OPEV) is an active platform of civil society organisations from across the Euro-Mediterranean Region aiming to bring a constructive contribution to prevent violent extremism.
Jun 2019 — Aug 2019
This platform coordinates efforts to monitor the implementation of the Euro-Mediterranean civil society Action Plan to prevent all forms of violent extremism. OPEV will not follow the dynamics of the state and will not support any war on terror.
The work consisted of the development of a complex multilingual platform (Spanish, Arabic and English) that collects all the documentation of the network, visualizes it geographically, serves as a loudspeaker for its communications and news and allows the open subscription of new entities.
In collaboration with [a-z]
Promoters [a-z]

Through the use of nonviolent action, NOVACT ('International Institute for Nonviolent Action') struggles to achieve a society based on human security and nonviolence, as well as a society free of armed conflicts and violence in all its dimensions. Understanding nonviolence as a strategy for transformation, NOVACT aims to contribute to a peaceful, just, and dignified world.