Patio108 is an open and collaborative platform to give voice to the citizens' perceptions, memories and wishes of the population of Seville.
Jul 2020 — Oct 2020
Patio108 is an open and collaborative platform to give voice to the citizens' perceptions, memories and wishes of the population of Seville. The project will be a still photo of the post-COVID city that will be open to contributions from the public between October and December 2020. After this period, the content will be kept on the web for consultation of a moment that will be historic for the city.
The current context of health, economic and social crisis invites us to reconsider the city model we inhabit, characterized in recent years by its excessive dependence on the service sector and the predatory and unproductive practices associated with tourist overcrowding. Faced with the will of the political powers and of the local business fabric to reconstruct and deepen this model of city-commodity, the need arises to re-imagine the forms, relationships and urban spaces from truly citizen and participatory perspectives.
In exceptional moment Patio108 is presented as a map of video-testimonies. located in the space of the city of Seville according to a selection of urban categories. This expansive and constantly under construction map aspires to host the gaze of diverse individuals and groups, decentralizing the debate on the past, present and future of the city of Seville. The ultimate goal is to build an area of exchange capable of illuminating the complexity of the urban experience in Seville, incorporating, for this, the largest possible number of voices from the "peripheries" of all kinds.
Patio108 was born, in short, as an area of denunciation, a map of affections and a contribution to an ongoing struggle, one that claims the right to the city of those who build it in their living and in their daily practices.
In collaboration with [a-z]

Montera34 analyze and visualize data to understand urban, social and cultural transformations; develop software and build digital infrastructures to enhance collaboration; create production and meeting spaces, both temporary and permanent, to share technological learning, needs, doubts, data and analysis.
Promoters [a-z]