Realidades Desiguales

Realidades Desiguales is data visualization project about the results of an investigation carried out on the statistics of the European Union on income and living conditions 2004-2018

Dec 2020 — Jul 2021

This project uses data visualization to show existing inequalities in European countries and regions using simple visualizations with an aesthetic inspired by the pioneering Isotype work. For this, different bookstores such as Angular, D3 and Leaflet have been used.

These data are the result of the collaboration between OXFAM Intermón and the University of Malaga through two research agreements (2018 and 2021), with partial funding from the Junta de Andalucía, FEDER Operational Program 2014-2020 (UMA18-FEDERJA- 005).

Promoters [a-z]
Intermón Oxfam Andalucía

Intermon Oxfam works to end inequalities, so that all people can have the same rights and opportunities to prosper and not only to survive.