Atlas mutante | Mapa Rehogar
Atlas Mutante is a cartographic device of projects, initiatives and communities that, through practice, seek to mutate the territory and investigate new ways of living from respect to people and the environment.
Sep 2019 — Oct 2019
It was developed within the framework of REHOGAR X PLUS. Devices in the open, a 40-day practical and collective research project that approaches the question of design as an open form and as a resource.
Starting from these two perspectives, it operates as an experimental and collaborative research unit that, through four devices, traces historical references and delves into real projects to situate the present, explores with its own hands its transformative possibilities and speculates on new contexts of inhabiting and future paths for the practice of design.
The idea behind the Atlas Mutante device is to generate a cartography that gathers the projects and initiatives, national and international, that have participated in the ten editions of REHOGAR Open Design and Reuse. A cartography that incorporates various levels of information around complementary maps: a conceptual one, which represents and visualizes the key concepts or categories of REHOGAR's projects, and a geographical one, with filters to facilitate search processes.
Promoters [a-z]

Makea Tu Vida is a non-profit organization of a social and educational nature, which works in the territory that exists between the worlds of Design and Ecology. Their practices are aimed at promoting open design, knowledge exchange and collective creativity, applied to reuse in different contexts and situations.