Malla is a support and denounce network to collectively confront repression during the exercise of civil and political freedoms
Nov 2015 — Actualidad
Born from the work of entities, media and groups that are members of the Defender a quien Defende platform, Malla is a tool to visibilize and analyze human rights violations committed by police forces and private security agents in the Spanish State, especially in contexts of social protest (rights of assembly, demonstration, information and freedom of expression, primarily).
Any person who has suffered or witnessed an attack, identification, arrest or fine during the exercise of their civil and political freedoms, can enter the data on the platform. Once introduced, these will reach one of the territorial nodes that make up the network. The organizations behind that node, in charge of observation and monitoring, will analyze the case and contact the affected person before including it on the map.
Through the registered cases, in addition to trying to offer legal support and accompaniment within the possibilities of each node and the support organizations, we can monitor violations that seek to repress protest and social activism, or promote indiscriminate administrative sanctions.
The data analyzed will allow the initiation of political and legal actions to defend human rights in our country and will help prevent someone else from suffering the same abuse.
In collaboration with [a-z]
Promoters [a-z]